Connect 60+

Creating experiences for adults 60+ to engage, explore, have fun and most importantly build connection between friends old and new.

Cozy Crafters
Every Monday

Gather and socialize while working on your latest crafting project and make new connections.

Reel Talk
Second Tuesday of Each Month (Starts 9/10/24)

Join us once monthly for small group screenings of a variety of documentaries followed by brief discussions.

OMG (Older Men’s Group)
Every Wednesday
Contact Jill Patruznick, Cultural Programs Coordinator

A facilitated conversational group meeting weekly on Wednesdays for men over 65 to gather, engage and build new social connections. Call Jill at 505-418-4467.

Lunch & Learn
Every Wednesday
10:30-11am Check-in & Coffee in the auditorium
11am-12pm Program
12pm-1pm Lunch

Come together to connect, learn and nosh! Lunch will be provided by Rhubarb & Elliott for $12, for those who RSVP by 9am that Wednesday. Call Jill Patruznick, Cultural Programs Coordinator 505-418-4467.

Financial assistance is available by request when you make your reservation. You may also bring your own lunch if you like, but please RSVP so that we save a seat at the table for you!

Coffee, Clergy & Conversations
Third Thursday of Each Month

Engage once a month with local clergy to share lively, meaningful conversations, on a variety of topics that relate to everyday life through a Jewish lens. The series will conclude May 16th with an ALL Clergy panel.

2024 Dates: 9/19, 10/17, 11/14, 12/19
2025 Dates: 1/16, 2/20, 3/20, 4/17

Financial assistance is available by request when you make your reservation. You may also bring your own lunch if you like, but please RSVP so that we save a seat at the table for you!

Sit ‘n’ Fit
Every Friday

A FREE 30-minute class with varying exercises which focus on coordination, balance, strength and posture correction.

Game & Gather
Every Friday

Game & Gather merges friendly gameplay with social interaction. Immerse yourself in engaging fun through a variety of group-oriented games.