Everything we do and everywhere we go is because of someone’s legacy… imagine the possibilities. These gifts can be made now or in your estate plan. Building the JCC Endowment is critical to ensuring our future for generations to come. As our endowment grows, so too does our financial security when the unexpected happens. These types of gifts can be made in many ways. Contact Emily Fox, JCC Chief Development Officer (505-418-4471, [email protected]) or Shelly Prant, Chief Executive Officer (505-418-4474, [email protected]) to set up a time to visit.

The future of our Jewish community depends on the existence and excellence of Jewish opportunities. A successful Life and Legacy program will ensure the future so that Jewish institutions like the JCC can provide those opportunities and a path to learning Jewish values, ideas, and customs.

-Stan Stark " "

The JCC is our second home. It's where our children went to nursery school and where they go to camp, it's where we celebrate Jewish holidays as a family, it's where we've made lifelong friends, and it's where our kids have learned what it is to be Jewish. Our legacy gift will help ensure that our children's children have the same life-enriching experiences that we have all had as part of the JCC community.

-Jim & Nicole Werkmeister " "

Our community worked for many years to bring the concept of a Jewish Community Center to a wonderful fruition. All of us who enjoy the JCC are now the recipients of that work and generosity. The center is truly a gem in the Albuquerque community which offers Jewish learning, health/fitness opportunities, life-long education, entertainment and cultural events as well as the opportunity to put our Jewish values to work by supporting others in our greater community. Through the Life and Legacy program, I have put my values for sustaining Jewish life in Albuquerque into action by leaving an after-lifetime gift to our precious JCC! Won't you join me?

-Debra Wechter Friedman " "
Life and Legacy JCC Donors