Tracee Hayden

Tracee Hayden

Education: Tracee is an NASM Certified Personal Trainer. She is the JCC’s master kettlebell instructor with a former Strong First level II certification, as well as a Corrective Exercise Specialist. Tracee also has certification through Precision Nutrition.

Focuses: Kettlebell training, corrective exercise, functional training, nutrition

More About Tracee: Tracee is a mother of 3 and knows the struggles of getting fit and healthy while trying to balance kids, family, job and home. At one time, Tracee weighed over 240 lbs. at only 5’1”, so she knows first-hand what it takes to be on this journey to being a healthier you. Realizing it takes patience, persistence, and encouragement to stay on track, she always feels honored to be a part of others’ fitness journeys and helping people achieve their fitness and health goals.